Saturday, October 11, 2014

Week 3 Technology

  1. What technologies (and these can be old, new, or emerging) might be most appropriate for your final project? 
    1. The technology most appropriate would be a computer or another device that has the ability to access online databases/browsers. 
  2. Does your final project align with any of the trends represented in the Horizon Report you reviewed?
    1. I don't think so. One shots don't get too complicated and I feel like we're keeping it old school (for the 21st century standards).
  3. Consider – will this application/tool enhance, improve instruction or motivate learners? What similar applications/tools are there to consider?
    1. I think it is the only tool that would allow them to learn what I'm trying demonstrate which is how to use the databases/how to research
  4. Review/revisit the learning objectives for the course or lesson
    1. From English curriculum for library classes: "Demonstrate knowledge of differences between database and web researching"
  5. Identify the content student needs to learn – review, augment and/or update content with web site, text-book, video lecture, PDF articles or other
    1. Databases/researching on the interwebnets
  6. Assess the ed-tech application/tool – will it encourage students to apply the content and learn the material, construct knowledge and promote critical thinking?
    1. I would hope so but students learn what they want to. While it is a tool I believe it is necessary to use when researching now-a-days.
  7. Select and implement the best application. Create concise instructions of how-to use tool. Allow time for learning of tool and learning of course content.
    1. Laptops, PCs and other handheld devices will be powered on and internet will be accessed. Then researching shall commence on said devices. 
      1. I think I did this wrong?

The students will most likely look like these cats:


1 comment:

  1. lol, re. 7.1.1. You only needed to answer the questions posed in the 5 things, but that's fine! Good on you for recognizing that forcing a tool on a class despite not really needing it is recipe for failure.
